How Can You Help?

How Can You Help


We are looking for volunteers to help during Home Football Games. All proceeds from Snack Bar Sales are used to support the Band program, so EVERY student involved with the Band program benefits (Marching, Concert, Color Guard).

We ask each parent/guardian to volunteer at least once with Snack Bar, Uniforms or Pit.

Band Students can help with the JV/Freshman games that are held on Thursdays


Leadership positions IN FCHS BAND Aides

Uniform Coordinator – 1 or more people

The job of the uniform team is to manage the inventory, assignment, collection, storage, alterations, and repairs of all uniforms. This need is immediate; students begin preseason rehearsals the second week of August, & uniform measuring begins then.  Contact Mary ASAP if you can help with this; the job can be done together with friends. Uniform coordinators will be supported by helpers during games & competition events, working in conjunction with the volunteer coordinator.

Hospitality – 1 person

Shall plan and coordinate all band social events.  Shall also provide all refreshments for band competitions and other band performances. Coordinates food for parent preview night, feeding band students pizza at halftime during games, breakfast when needed on competition mornings, the end of year banquet, & coordinates refreshments for after concert receptions.

Snack Bar - 1 or more people

Shall stock, manage and arrange all snack bar and/or concessions at home events. Running the snack bar at games earns band a good part of our budget.  This can also be done by a group of people coordinating together. Snack bar coordinators will be supported by helpers during games & competition events, working in conjunction with the volunteer coordinator.