For seventy-five years, the Jaguar Band has entertained audiences and been an integral part of the school culture at Falls Church High School.
Keeping Time Since 1949
While there was a small stage/jazz band at Falls Church High School when it opened in 1945, the FCHS band program was officially formed in the 1949-50 school year with the hiring of Ernest Ryder as the first band director. The band grew in size and ability over the course of the next decade. In the 1960's, under the direction of James Lunsford, the band had nearly 200 members and was becoming one of the preeminent bands on the East Coast. The band performed in two consecutive Presidential Inaugural parades, in 1969 as a stand-alone unit and 1973 as part of the "Spirit of 1976" Band made up for Fairfax County Public School Bands. In the 1970's the band was a force to be reckoned with, both on and off the field. The concert bands played progressive and challenging music, consistently receiving Superior ratings at festivals. More recently, the band has earned six VBODA Honor Band awards since 2005 and has twice been a USBands Virginia State Marching Band Champion in their class.
FCHS Band's First Director, Ernest Ryder in 1954
Letter from President Nixon to the FCHS Band
James Lunsford, in an undated photo
1975 Jaguar Marching Band
2008 Jaguar Marching Band
FCHS BAnd Directors
1949-58 – Ernest Ryder
1958-59 – Jim Green
1959-61 – Tristen Hower
1961-71 – Jim Lunsford
1971-80 – Jim Stegner
1980-85 – Mike Layland
1985-88 – Charles Heibert
1988-89 – Jim Hamilton
1989-93 – Steve Meitus
1993-94 – Kevin Rayford
1994-95 – Diane Bergeld
1995-97 – Brian Garland
1997-98 – Teresa Snyder Amoroso
1998-2003 – Brian Thomas
2003-05 – Debra Barlow
2005-06 – Mike Luley
2006-2013 – John Davenport
2013-Present – Steven Jacoby