Band Aides

Band Aides

Welcome to the Falls Church High Band Aides!

The FCHS Band Aides are a volunteer group comprised mostly of parents whose primary goal is to support the band by fundraising and assisting the director with band events.

We need many volunteers to help us succeed!

Why volunteer?  Not only does it help your child to see you involved and interested in their activities, the FCHS Band Aides are also a parent network who can give you valuable insight into the school and its administration.  The value of knowing parents who have already “been through it” is priceless and by volunteering, you will meet other parents who have shared common experiences.

The more we give, the happier we feel!

Volunteering with the FCHS Band Aides is easy!  You can help as much or as little as you want.  Volunteer opportunities exist as chaperones, uniform parents, snack bar, pit (equipment), Tag Day, Band Aides officer/committee lead and much more.  Help us and your child continue the proud FCHS music tradition – the feeling of pride in seeing your child doing something they enjoy and succeed is amazing!

For more information, please email or talk to one of our parent volunteers.

We look forward to seeing you at a band event or a Band Aides meeting!